Saturday, 6 November 2021

 Southport 2021

Rishi Sunak, Stephen Merchant, peewee Herman, Mr Muscle, Peter crouch your skinny boys took a hell of a beating. 

The boys travelled south for the first trip to England and the first event since the introduction of the new WHS handicap system.  We saw some tight individual matches, but the Fatties bulldozed their way to a record win. 

There has been much talk of the fatty’s stamina and ability to deal with a 2 round day, but in the year of 55, the word Relentless comes to mind  

Saturday, 13 March 2010

The Poor Man's Ryder

The Tour prides itself on the vast quantity of golf, gin, drink and slagging that goes on for a 3 night early summer golf tour.

This blog is invented for the contenders to share their pre-tour nerves, golfing experiences and general chit chat and all members are encouraged to interact with the blog as much as possible.

Please browse the different pages and feel free to post any suggestions as to how the blog can be adapted over the years to come.